Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Important Problems of Pakistan

Most Important Problems

1. Terrorism/Sovereignty Violation
2. Religious Intolerance 
3. Water Shortage 
4. Inflation 
5. Rampant Corruption
6. Provincial Disharmony 
7. Devalued Currency 
8. Unemployment 
9. Low Education 
10.Weak Foreign Policy

Other Problems

  1. Imbalance between the "Three Tiers of State"
  2. Lack of education
  3. Lack of science and technology
  4. Corrupt inefficient police
  5. No consensus on building dams
  6. Lack of sanitation (no toilets)
  7. Food Crisis
  8. Low Jobs
  9. Brian Drain
  10. highest murder rates in the world
  11. Ethnic hatred
  12. Sectarian hatred
  13. Lack of investment
  14. Lack of unity
  15. Liberation movement in Baluchistan
  16. Kashmir Issue
  17. Declining FDI's
  18. Water Disputes with India
  19. Energy Crisis
  20. Feudalism
  21. Rising divorce rate
  22. Lack of health care
  23. Drug Abuse in teengers
  24. Land grabbing Mafia
  25. Illegal wepons
  26. Low forex reserves
  27. Traffic chaos
  28. Water Air and Noise Pollution
  29. Population explosion
  30. Media Ethic
  31. high rate of infant mortality
  32. Suicide bombings
  33. Low tax collection by government
  34. Tax evasion - 90%+ of the people don't pay any taxes
  35. Very high tax rate for those who do pay taxes
  36. Availability of heavy weaponry to criminals
  37. Lack of clean drinking water for the majority of the population
  38. Armed and violent gangs in Karachi, including Lyari and Sohrab Goth
  39. Large areas of the country where the writ of the state does not apply
  40. Fake Pirs
  41. The tendency for people to vote for corrupt, failed, treacherous politicians
  42. Abuse of women in the society
  43. Awful built quality of roads, bridges and other infrastructure
  44. Spread of Indian culture via film and television
  45. Spread of Western culture via film and television
  46. Lack of hospitals, clinics, doctors etc, especially in rural areas
  47. Mixing of junk into food products by unscrupulous people
  48. Capital flight - everyone who can sending their money abroad

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