Most Important Problems
1. Terrorism/Sovereignty Violation
2. Religious Intolerance
3. Water Shortage
4. Inflation
5. Rampant Corruption
6. Provincial Disharmony
7. Devalued Currency
8. Unemployment
9. Low Education
10.Weak Foreign Policy
Other Problems
- Imbalance between the "Three Tiers of State"
- Lack of education
- Lack of science and technology
- Corrupt inefficient police
- No consensus on building dams
- Lack of sanitation (no toilets)
- Food Crisis
- Low Jobs
- Brian Drain
- highest murder rates in the world
- Ethnic hatred
- Sectarian hatred
- Lack of investment
- Lack of unity
- Liberation movement in Baluchistan
- Kashmir Issue
- Declining FDI's
- Water Disputes with India
- Energy Crisis
- Feudalism
- Rising divorce rate
- Lack of health care
- Drug Abuse in teengers
- Land grabbing Mafia
- Illegal wepons
- Low forex reserves
- Traffic chaos
- Water Air and Noise Pollution
- Population explosion
- Media Ethic
- high rate of infant mortality
- Suicide bombings
- Low tax collection by government
- Tax evasion - 90%+ of the people don't pay any taxes
- Very high tax rate for those who do pay taxes
- Availability of heavy weaponry to criminals
- Lack of clean drinking water for the majority of the population
- Armed and violent gangs in Karachi, including Lyari and Sohrab Goth
- Large areas of the country where the writ of the state does not apply
- Fake Pirs
- The tendency for people to vote for corrupt, failed, treacherous politicians
- Abuse of women in the society
- Awful built quality of roads, bridges and other infrastructure
- Spread of Indian culture via film and television
- Spread of Western culture via film and television
- Lack of hospitals, clinics, doctors etc, especially in rural areas
- Mixing of junk into food products by unscrupulous people
- Capital flight - everyone who can sending their money abroad
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