Present Problems of the Muslim World
Within two centuries of the emergence of Islam, Muslims were dominating the world in all respects. At the dawn of the 9th century, Arabia, Central Asia, Africa, Persia and many parts of the Byzantine and Roman Empires were under the Muslim rule.
Muslims, on one hand, were conquering the lands in North Africa, especially Spain, and on the other, they were knocking at the doors of France in Europe. This glorious period of expansion and consolidation continued till the 13th century. Although Mongols/Tatars caused irreparable loss to the Muslims in 13th century, their descendents, in later centuries, embraced Islam and played a significant role in establishing Muslim dynasties in Asia.
GLORY TURNED INTO MISERYThe 15th and the 16th centuries mark the Dark Ages in the Christian world as they were plunged into darkness. At that time, the clergymen were openly issuing certificates to paradise. On the contrary, during this period, Muslims were leading in all fields of education and science.
But, in the 17th century, when Europe entered the Age of Enlightenment, Muslims were falling into darkness. It is worth mentioning here that till the end of 17th century, the works of Muslim scientists like Al-Razi, Al-Khwarzimi, Jabir bin Hayyan, Al-Batani, Avicenna, and philosophers like Al-Farabi and Al-Kindi were taught as textbooks in the universities across Europe.
Dawn of the 18th century saw the real decline of Muslims and emergence of a new Western civilization that is hitherto in progress. From 19th century onward, the Western civilization has been consistently damaging the Islamic spiritual, cultural and intellectual roots with their educational uplift, scientific progress, industrial development, technological advancement and political dominance.
The West has subjugated Muslims politically and has exploited them economically. After the World War I, the Muslim world was deliberately humiliated in the name of Mandate System. Moreover, same swaggering treatment was meted out to them after the World War II in form of colonization. Even at present, the Muslims are the victims of malice and prejudice of the West. Under the pretext of the so-called War against Terror, firstly they were killed in Afghanistan, and then in Iraq under the garb of dismantling Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) which were, ironically, never found.
Muslims are being brutally annihilated in Pakistan and Yemen in intermittent drone strikes in sheer violation of International Law and sovereignty of the independent states. Nevertheless, despite all these odds, the Muslims have maintained their identity.
There is no denying the fact that the Muslims are subject to serious agonies and troubles but it's not correct to blame only others for our problems and the existing pathetic state of affairs. Most of our problems are due to our own flaws and, as Aristotle puts it, 'hamartia'.
Presently the Muslims are entangled in the web of following problems:
1. Illiteracy
Illiteracy and the backwardness in which it ensues make the biggest problem the Muslims are confronting nowadays for which we ourselves are responsible. In most Muslim states, literacy rate is pitiable. For example, in Pakistan, literacy rate nears 60% in sharp contrast to the Western countries where it is more than 95%. It's quite disconcerting that though we call ourselves the followers of Islam, yet we are having such a miserable standard of education. We have probably forgotten that Islam makes it obligatory upon Muslim men and women to seek knowledge. The revelation of the Holy Quran started with the very word “Read”.
Islam declares the literate people as those having eyesight and the illiterate as those who are blind. There are some dogmatic views on education held by some short-sighted, bigoted elements within Muslim community who consider that the Muslims can acquire religious education only and they must eschew modern education. This absurd idea is against the spirit and essence of Islam which directs on striving for success in this world as well as in the hereafter; a far cry without modern education.
In this regard, Allah Almighty commands the Muslims in verse 201 of Surah Al-Baqarah (the Cow) to beseech in this manner:
“Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment on the fire!”
Every Muslim recites this verse in five prayers he is to offer on daily basis. Importance which Islam lays on education can be ascertained from the fact that in the Battle of Badr, 72 infidels were made prisoners of war (POWs) by the triumphant Muslim Army. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) set the condition for their release that a literate PoW could secure freedom by teaching ten Muslims. But, if this view of religion of only religious education were correct, non-Muslims should not have been allowed to impart religious education to the Muslims. There are examples where many of Prophet's companions (RA) learnt foreign languages in order to conduct diplomacy with foreign countries. Similarly, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Seek knowledge even if it is far as China.”
But in clear negation of the Islamic teachings, the Muslims lack due attention on education, hence they lag far behind the West in all fields of development. Former US President James Madison said, “Knowledge will forever rule ignorance”. The present plight of Muslims bears testimony to this statement.
The second most important problem that we face is the high population growth rate. The population of Islamic countries is increasing at alarming rates and the lack of proper management to ward off its negative effects is solely lacking, thus, making it a burden on resources of Muslim World which are already depleting fast. In developed countries, annual population growth rate is less than 1% whereas in Islamic states—like Afghanistan and Pakistan—it's more than 2%. Resultantly, poor parents remain unable to provide good education and sustenance to their children. Islam does not disapprove family planning if it is with mutual consent of marital partners. Even during the time of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), some companions used to practice coitus interruptus (Azal), a common practice of Family Planning at that time. Islam emphasizes on breastfeeding the infants, which is a natural method for pregnancy spacing. The pace of development and status of wellbeing of people is much higher in Muslim countries where population growth rate has been controlled such as Turkey, Indonesia, and Malaysia, than that of those states where population growth rate is higher. So the Muslim world must prioritize the quality and not quantity of population.
The third biggest problem which the Muslims face today is disunity and rupture among the Muslims, for which again we ourselves are responsible. On one hand, several Muslim states are at loggerhead with each other, while on the other, the Muslim population is mired in sectarianism, linguistic and racial prejudices. This sectarian strife has consumed lives of thousands of Muslims and has tarnished the image of Islam. Due to this unpleasant state of affairs, Muslim states do not have a united voice on international forums and none among 57 Islamic countries is a permanent member in UN Security Council. This course of action is contradictory to Islamic teachings which profess the establishment of a universal Muslim brotherhood irrespective of race, creed, colour and language.
Allah Almighty says in verse No. 10 of Surah Hujraat (the Dwellings):
“The believers are but a single Brotherhood. So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah that you may receive mercy”.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Muslims are like a human body, when there is a pain in any part of the body, the whole body suffers”.
The fourth major problem is the double standards and the discriminatory attitude of West and international organizations dominated by them. The internal strife of Muslims is responsible for this fiasco. The West always remains lacklustre in resolving issues involving Muslims such as Palestine, Cyprus, Kashmir.
For instance, an independent state for Christian majority, South Sudan, was established within days of violent clashes between Muslims and Christians in Sudan whereas in 1992 peace in Bosnia was restored after countless Muslims were butchered and women raped. Similarly, the West has turned a deaf ear to the miseries and agonies of Muslims in Palestine and Kashmir. In Palestine, Jewish state Israel, an illegitimate son of the US and the West, grabbed the lands of Arabs by force in furtherance of Balfour Declaration of 1917. Undoubtedly, all the inhumane acts of Israel are blessed by the US and the West. The recent coup in Egypt and West's response to it, exposes these double standards sufficiently.
The fifth problem is that we have forgotten the golden principles of Islam. This resulted in rise in social vices in the Islamic world. For example, many Islamic states are on the list of the most corrupt countries. We prefer wealth, political influence and luxurious life over simple lives in consonance with the teachings of Islam.
If the Muslims have to regain their lost glory, then they must have to strive for resolving these problems through adherence to the golden principles of Islam.
Within two centuries of the emergence of Islam, Muslims were dominating the world in all respects. At the dawn of the 9th century, Arabia, Central Asia, Africa, Persia and many parts of the Byzantine and Roman Empires were under the Muslim rule.
Muslims, on one hand, were conquering the lands in North Africa, especially Spain, and on the other, they were knocking at the doors of France in Europe. This glorious period of expansion and consolidation continued till the 13th century. Although Mongols/Tatars caused irreparable loss to the Muslims in 13th century, their descendents, in later centuries, embraced Islam and played a significant role in establishing Muslim dynasties in Asia.
GLORY TURNED INTO MISERYThe 15th and the 16th centuries mark the Dark Ages in the Christian world as they were plunged into darkness. At that time, the clergymen were openly issuing certificates to paradise. On the contrary, during this period, Muslims were leading in all fields of education and science.
But, in the 17th century, when Europe entered the Age of Enlightenment, Muslims were falling into darkness. It is worth mentioning here that till the end of 17th century, the works of Muslim scientists like Al-Razi, Al-Khwarzimi, Jabir bin Hayyan, Al-Batani, Avicenna, and philosophers like Al-Farabi and Al-Kindi were taught as textbooks in the universities across Europe.
Dawn of the 18th century saw the real decline of Muslims and emergence of a new Western civilization that is hitherto in progress. From 19th century onward, the Western civilization has been consistently damaging the Islamic spiritual, cultural and intellectual roots with their educational uplift, scientific progress, industrial development, technological advancement and political dominance.
The West has subjugated Muslims politically and has exploited them economically. After the World War I, the Muslim world was deliberately humiliated in the name of Mandate System. Moreover, same swaggering treatment was meted out to them after the World War II in form of colonization. Even at present, the Muslims are the victims of malice and prejudice of the West. Under the pretext of the so-called War against Terror, firstly they were killed in Afghanistan, and then in Iraq under the garb of dismantling Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) which were, ironically, never found.
Muslims are being brutally annihilated in Pakistan and Yemen in intermittent drone strikes in sheer violation of International Law and sovereignty of the independent states. Nevertheless, despite all these odds, the Muslims have maintained their identity.
There is no denying the fact that the Muslims are subject to serious agonies and troubles but it's not correct to blame only others for our problems and the existing pathetic state of affairs. Most of our problems are due to our own flaws and, as Aristotle puts it, 'hamartia'.
Presently the Muslims are entangled in the web of following problems:
1. Illiteracy
Illiteracy and the backwardness in which it ensues make the biggest problem the Muslims are confronting nowadays for which we ourselves are responsible. In most Muslim states, literacy rate is pitiable. For example, in Pakistan, literacy rate nears 60% in sharp contrast to the Western countries where it is more than 95%. It's quite disconcerting that though we call ourselves the followers of Islam, yet we are having such a miserable standard of education. We have probably forgotten that Islam makes it obligatory upon Muslim men and women to seek knowledge. The revelation of the Holy Quran started with the very word “Read”.
Islam declares the literate people as those having eyesight and the illiterate as those who are blind. There are some dogmatic views on education held by some short-sighted, bigoted elements within Muslim community who consider that the Muslims can acquire religious education only and they must eschew modern education. This absurd idea is against the spirit and essence of Islam which directs on striving for success in this world as well as in the hereafter; a far cry without modern education.
In this regard, Allah Almighty commands the Muslims in verse 201 of Surah Al-Baqarah (the Cow) to beseech in this manner:
“Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment on the fire!”
Every Muslim recites this verse in five prayers he is to offer on daily basis. Importance which Islam lays on education can be ascertained from the fact that in the Battle of Badr, 72 infidels were made prisoners of war (POWs) by the triumphant Muslim Army. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) set the condition for their release that a literate PoW could secure freedom by teaching ten Muslims. But, if this view of religion of only religious education were correct, non-Muslims should not have been allowed to impart religious education to the Muslims. There are examples where many of Prophet's companions (RA) learnt foreign languages in order to conduct diplomacy with foreign countries. Similarly, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Seek knowledge even if it is far as China.”
But in clear negation of the Islamic teachings, the Muslims lack due attention on education, hence they lag far behind the West in all fields of development. Former US President James Madison said, “Knowledge will forever rule ignorance”. The present plight of Muslims bears testimony to this statement.
The second most important problem that we face is the high population growth rate. The population of Islamic countries is increasing at alarming rates and the lack of proper management to ward off its negative effects is solely lacking, thus, making it a burden on resources of Muslim World which are already depleting fast. In developed countries, annual population growth rate is less than 1% whereas in Islamic states—like Afghanistan and Pakistan—it's more than 2%. Resultantly, poor parents remain unable to provide good education and sustenance to their children. Islam does not disapprove family planning if it is with mutual consent of marital partners. Even during the time of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), some companions used to practice coitus interruptus (Azal), a common practice of Family Planning at that time. Islam emphasizes on breastfeeding the infants, which is a natural method for pregnancy spacing. The pace of development and status of wellbeing of people is much higher in Muslim countries where population growth rate has been controlled such as Turkey, Indonesia, and Malaysia, than that of those states where population growth rate is higher. So the Muslim world must prioritize the quality and not quantity of population.
The third biggest problem which the Muslims face today is disunity and rupture among the Muslims, for which again we ourselves are responsible. On one hand, several Muslim states are at loggerhead with each other, while on the other, the Muslim population is mired in sectarianism, linguistic and racial prejudices. This sectarian strife has consumed lives of thousands of Muslims and has tarnished the image of Islam. Due to this unpleasant state of affairs, Muslim states do not have a united voice on international forums and none among 57 Islamic countries is a permanent member in UN Security Council. This course of action is contradictory to Islamic teachings which profess the establishment of a universal Muslim brotherhood irrespective of race, creed, colour and language.
Allah Almighty says in verse No. 10 of Surah Hujraat (the Dwellings):
“The believers are but a single Brotherhood. So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah that you may receive mercy”.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Muslims are like a human body, when there is a pain in any part of the body, the whole body suffers”.
The fourth major problem is the double standards and the discriminatory attitude of West and international organizations dominated by them. The internal strife of Muslims is responsible for this fiasco. The West always remains lacklustre in resolving issues involving Muslims such as Palestine, Cyprus, Kashmir.
For instance, an independent state for Christian majority, South Sudan, was established within days of violent clashes between Muslims and Christians in Sudan whereas in 1992 peace in Bosnia was restored after countless Muslims were butchered and women raped. Similarly, the West has turned a deaf ear to the miseries and agonies of Muslims in Palestine and Kashmir. In Palestine, Jewish state Israel, an illegitimate son of the US and the West, grabbed the lands of Arabs by force in furtherance of Balfour Declaration of 1917. Undoubtedly, all the inhumane acts of Israel are blessed by the US and the West. The recent coup in Egypt and West's response to it, exposes these double standards sufficiently.
The fifth problem is that we have forgotten the golden principles of Islam. This resulted in rise in social vices in the Islamic world. For example, many Islamic states are on the list of the most corrupt countries. We prefer wealth, political influence and luxurious life over simple lives in consonance with the teachings of Islam.
If the Muslims have to regain their lost glory, then they must have to strive for resolving these problems through adherence to the golden principles of Islam.
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